Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Xavier's First Book {Reading}!

Xavier Micheal is half way (ish) through his kindergarten year and today he read his first phonics reader.  He was REALLY excited!  I'm pretty excited, too.  Introducing my children to literature - teaching them to read - opens up whole new WORLDS.

We need to work on the sight word "a/A" but overall he did very well.  He tends to get discouraged when he can't blend a word accurately the first time, so I was pleased with his perseverance.  
After he read it to me he rushed to his Daddy and read it to him by choice.  This is the relationship with reading that we strive for in our children - that it's a joy and a privilege - not a chore!
How blessed I am, truly, to get to teach my children to read!  Tonight I'm feeling thankful!

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