Monday, December 21, 2015

Birthday Celebration

My mom and dad had lunch for mine and Lauren's birthdays after church this Sunday.  Lauren was 25 on the 19th and I turned 30 on the 15th.  Natalee also weaseled some candles out of the deal because she has a December birthday and hadn't gotten a "grandma lunch."  

Even though we be old we're not too old for presents. (grin)
A wood wick crackling candle, new floor lamp, bundt & loaf pans, necklaces, and pretty shirt for the mommy to be. 

Ikea organizers, all new kitchen towels and wash rags (good bye tired 10 year old ones), a new set of pampered chef bamboo spoons, and a Ninja blender for me!
My kids' "helpfulness" was overwhelming me - not because I cared if they opened my presents but because they kept bickering.  Ahh.
Thoughtful gifts topped a yummy lunch of squaw bread, meatballs, fudge jumbles and caramel rolls!
We are blessed!

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