Friday, December 18, 2015

Ho Ho Ho!

Mia is getting ready for Christmas!
I know the pictures are blurry - she couldn't stand still!
While Natalee was at paint class, Zayden was sleeping, and Xavier was taking a looongg salt and oil soak in the tub tonight, this girl and I played.  She chose things off the "learning shelf" (as I call it) to do together.  We played hard for about 40 minutes and she was sad when Zayden woke up and needed me.  A reminder to seize any moment I can throughout the day and fill her love tank up.
 She loves this puzzle!  (And she's silly.)
She's also started repeating words back after we say them, which I'm very thankful for because she has only grunted and whined up to this point no matter how hard I tried.  Her little voice is so sweet...

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