Thursday, December 17, 2015

Chalk Pastel Christmas Star

We might be obsessed with our newfound love of chalk pastels.  The kids really love for Daddy to do art with us, so last night they chose to do an art project instead of have game time after supper.  I pulled up my favorite little chalk pastel website (thanks, Hodgepodge!) and we chose the Christmas Star tutorial to follow.  
I do suppose we could be brave and make our own pictures - perhaps someday we'll get to that point - but for now we like guidance!
Laying out a skyline.
 He didn't care about art...
Adding some sky.

Mommy, age 30:
 Natalee, age 7:
 Xavier, age 5 1/2:
 Daddy, age 34:
Daddy didn't follow the tutorial exactly.  Show-off (wink!).

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