Monday, December 28, 2015

Christmas with Papa Curtis and Grandma Num

We headed to my folks' to celebrate Christmas with my sisters, their families, and my mom and dad on Christmas day.  Coming home on Christmas makes the day complete for me, although this year it seems to fly by!  We had yummy breakfast pizza and sticky buns before diving into stockings and toooo many presents.  

I missed pictures of stockings, but Xavier got ninja turtle suspenders and a bow tie.
 Zayden got to open first - benefits to being the baby!
 You'll notice the theme to Ameliya's Christmas was MINNIE!  What a happy happy girl.
Very handsome cowboy boots for Xavier.  So handsome that he made sure to tuck his jeans in on Sunday (all on his own) so people could admire them.
 Both big kids got these safes for their important things!  They are full of treasures already.
 A chin up bar for Colby.
 A wallet for Uncle Lance!
A little Pioneer Woman for me...
 See Emma's new selfie stick?...
Mike got a dot to dot with 1000 dots on each page.  I missed getting a picture of him with his new smoker - he's so excited about it.  If the roads wouldn't have been so crummy today he'd have been to a Wal Mart for wood chips!
 A Minnie costume!  She wore it until we made her take it off for a nap.
A perfectly sized footstool for my wing back chair, directly from cave woodworking.
 Natalee LOVED her new clothes.  As you can see in this picture, she'd already put one outfit on!  She and Ameliya got matching Minnie dresses.
 Xavier totally digs the safe!
 New toys for baby.
 All he asked Nannie for was a remote control motorcycle and she delivered!
 Minnie was getting tired...
 I'm pretty excited for my smart TV for the bedroom!!
New clothes for Grandma...
...but more importantly, 20 place settings of Pioneer Woman!

Fancy Minnie...drinking sparkling grape juice out of a wine glass.  She's such a hoot.

Minnie switched from the costume to another Minnie dress.  What a rough life.
 She's killer.
 I mean, seriously.  Could he be cuter?

Mia got Piggy Paint in her stocking.  Any bets as to whether painting her nails made her stop sucking her fingers?? Ha!

She's halfway done with her pregnancy and looks terrific!

I love the game playing, visiting, hanging out part of Christmas.  An all day celebration of family!

Aunt Lauren bought a bouncy ball making kit.  It was delightfully easy and the kids loved it!

Farkle with the fam...teenagers are awesome.

Nannie got a new Osmo for her classroom and brought it for my kids to test out!  Fun!

Papa's on baby duty...

Natalee LOVES her big wooden art set.  Markers, crayons, pencils, and {best of all} her own oil pastels.

 Really blurry family picture!
Merry Christmas!  I love these people so much!

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