Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Checking in on {Ameliya}

Our Ameliya is growing up.  

She has slept all night in her big girl bed for six nights now.  

She's really flaunting her big girl status around the house.  She's making choices, playing with Natalee and Xabe, and doing her best to keep up with everything that everyone else does all day long.
She's experimenting with the big kids' Math U See pleases her to be able to use their school things.
She's started sorting objects...watching her learn and trying to see her little brain work is amazing.  Do you see the little kitties all sorted off to the side in the bottom pictures? Such a smart girl!
Last night she set out a BIG tea party for her daddy.  They played and played and played.  She was so sad when it was bedtime that we let her leave it all out on the floor until morning.  She was a lovely little hostess to daddy, Xavier and Natalee.
Ameliya, we love you.  Watching you grow up is truly humbling.  Next stop to big girl world...potty training! {oh, Daddy...!}

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