Saturday, December 19, 2015

Breakfast With Santa

I organized our church's second annual Breakfast with Santa event today.  It's always sweet to see a team of volunteers come together to pull something like that together for no other reason than because it's fun.  We served 76 children and around 64 adults in the hour and a half time span that we ran and everyone seemed to have a really good time.  I almost didn't put it together because we were short on volunteers but the pastor suggested simplifying it from last year and just doing things in a smaller scale and I'm glad he did.  It was fun to see the excitement on the kids' faces.

Excitement on everyone's face except Ameliya Darby...
Ameliya stood as far away from Santa as she could get and still be in the picture, and she was only in the picture under duress.  I tried to get her to do a solo picture but she said no way in body language!
Xavier chose not to do a solo picture either, which is funny to me because he was the one that wanted to sit on Santa's lap.  Ha.  Natalee took a solo pic and sleepy Mr. Zayden.
Thank you to the volunteers and to the folks who brought their kids out this morning.  It really is fun to stand back and watch the little ones!

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