Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Dirty Thirty

Today my age counter rolled over to the big dirty thirty.  Turns out turning 30 is much like any other day when you are a stay at home mom.  Dishes, diapers, schooling, diapers, corrections, hugs, diapers...did I mention we have 2 in diapers?  I did get to renew my license - good for 6 more years - big stuff!
I also got to spend the day with these crazies - and while they truly do make me crazy 90% of the time, I think I wouldn't trade them for any other type of crazy.
 When you take a selfie with a 5 week old...one minute we're posing...
...the next minute it's full on lovin'...
Thank you to my friends and family for the calls, texts, messages, and notes on my Facebook timeline.  I read and appreciated every single one!

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