Wednesday, December 9, 2015

1 Month Old {Zayden}

Our prince...
Not to be out shadowed by big sister's 7th birthday, Zayden Samuel went ahead and turned one month old today.  He smiles with his eyes as much as he smiles with he mouth.
 He is such a sugar.  So calm and peaceful and patient to go along.
He is healthy and growing and today I cried while I took out his 0-3 month clothes and put in the 3-6 month ones today.  I've never NOT wanted a baby to grow up so quickly that is so determined to do so.  Soon he'll be ready for cloth diapers (I'm getting through the holidays first).  
He has hair, enough to ruffle and kiss and smooth and he's so patient to let Mama do all of the above.  He's kissed one thousand times or more a day and handles it so very well.  
Zayden Samuel - you are LOVED.  We're so thankful for you and the joy you bring to this crazy family.   I'm so sad that you are growing so fast, but I'm so excited to see how you change the world. 

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