Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Checking in on {Zayden}

Our littlest family member is growing right along.  He's found his little spot in our family and nestled his way into everyone's hearts.
He's quite a charmer and is very easy to snuggle and smooch.
When he won't stay on his tummy then his "tummy time" looks like this...
 The other night I gave him a little baby hawk.  Isn't he sweet?
Today I slipped out of the house to run to the chiropractor and do a small bit of last minute shopping.  I decided to let Zayden take his nap and stay home with Daddy instead of dragging him around.  I left some mommy milk for him and instructed Mike to take pictures of him taking his first bottle if he needed it before I got back.  He, of course, did take it and still nursed the minute I walked in.  Chubby stinker!
Zayden Samuel, we're thankful for you.  You are the perfect addition to our beautiful family and we can't wait to watch you grow (just not too fast, okay?).

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