Monday, December 28, 2015

Christmas with Papa Phil and Granny Sara

We celebrated Christmas with Mike's folks, sister and her family the day after Christmas.  It was another day full of love, celebration, and fun!

 Mia loves her big Minnie!
 Legos for the big kids...
 And a little of our new love, Playmobil...
 Mia opened Granny's new door tiny piece of wrapping paper at a time.
 New toys for the sleepyhead.
 Ameliya's magna doodle was a hit, as were the big kids' Boogie Boards!
 Sweet tired baby took a little siesta.
Boogie board fun...
 Sweet little piggy bank for Zayden
 Of course there was Usborne for Adelyn!
 Minnie is getting a check up
 A very happy little girl!
A new double stroller for the Beeler babies.
I failed at getting pics of Mike or I, I guess.  Kids are cuter gift openers anyways, right?

 Sweet girl.  Six months old is so fun!
 Hi, Uncle Mike!  I love you!
 Auntie Jenn discovered if I let her get naked she'll smile for a selfie!
 AND I snagged her mama's new wrap and got in a quick snuggle, just to test out the wrap, of course!
Sweet, sweet babies!
We're so thankful and so spoiled.
Merry Christmas!  What a wonderful day together!

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