Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Monday Night Lights

We've had a rainy, gray couple of days here.  Monday seemed long to us so at 4:30 I loaded the kids up, and drove them to a larger town 30 minutes away for no reason except to see Christmas lights.  We toured several little neighborhoods, and then found the house that others had told us about that coordinates their lights to music that they broadcast through the radio.
We sat there for almost twenty minutes and were about to drive away when we heard this one coming on...
After driving around (and finding a couple of dead ends, as Xavier doesn't like to let me forget!) we snagged Dominos pizza and headed home, pulling in just minutes after Mike got home from work.  
This silly little outing was exciting to the kids and reminded me that I should take time to do fun, random things like this to build memories with our children.  Tomorrow...gingerbread houses!

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