Thursday, December 31, 2015

Bring It

Come on in, 2016.  We're ready for you and we're not afraid!  While you may look similar to 2015 we know you'll hold new trials and new adventures!

Our school is ready to kick off for 2016.  We finished up all the remaining 2015 plans that got away from us last week and I lesson planned for the next two weeks (except our Bible planning).  

The big kids are pretty excited about the Outer Space chalk art we did today to make covers for our Planet books for next week.  
^ Mommy's  ^
^ Xavier's ^
{There's a page for each planet in the book.  We'll do a planet a day.  This goes with our Answers in Genesis curriculum and we'll supplement with our Usborne book called The Solar System.}
^ Natalee's ^
Coloring/Information pages are courtesy of Only Passionate Curiosity.
And so, 2015, we bid you adieu.  We're looking forward to great literature, many memories, building friendships, and loving one another in 2016.
We're also looking forward to growing happy children, spreading the Word, and being missionaries and servants in our community.  Here's to you, 2016!  Bring it on!

Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Pouty Face

For the scrapbook...

Zayden is trying out a new pouty face when I don't get him fed quickly enough. 
 His "wittle wip" makes me want to smooch him all the more.
No worries - this series of pictures took 5 seconds and his tummy was full and happy minutes later.

Xavier's First Book {Reading}!

Xavier Micheal is half way (ish) through his kindergarten year and today he read his first phonics reader.  He was REALLY excited!  I'm pretty excited, too.  Introducing my children to literature - teaching them to read - opens up whole new WORLDS.

We need to work on the sight word "a/A" but overall he did very well.  He tends to get discouraged when he can't blend a word accurately the first time, so I was pleased with his perseverance.  
After he read it to me he rushed to his Daddy and read it to him by choice.  This is the relationship with reading that we strive for in our children - that it's a joy and a privilege - not a chore!
How blessed I am, truly, to get to teach my children to read!  Tonight I'm feeling thankful!


The only good thing to come out of winter storms...happy kids who get to build a snowman.
Natalee got a snowman kit for Christmas and was excited to use it!  It did give the finishing touches to a pretty cute little snowman, complete with a pipe!

My Heart

A new 24" x 24" collage to go above our piano...
the last one only has 2 babies in it...we've doubled the number of babies since then!

Thanks to my sisters for helping me finalize the design!

Floor Time

This boy is getting so big and strong!
 Such a smart cookie that he can grab his toys.
Tummy time is hard because he rolls to his back so consistently but we sneak some time in here and there and get more neck strengthening with baby wearing and tummy snuggling.!

Pray for Yellowstone

Mike needed to work on the fish tank filter yesterday and made the mistake of taking the lid off the tank in front of Ameliya.  She loved looking at him from the top and tried to take the lid off the tank several times the rest of the day!
 Pray for Yellowstone - living with this toddler isn't easy!

Snuggles in Purple

One of my favorite selfies right now...
I've had a harder time feeling "good" about myself since having Zayden.  I gained more with him and it isn't just falling off like it did with Ameliya.  Part of that is the difference in delivering going into winter and delivering going into spring, I think.  I also felt a little betrayed by my body during and right after delivery which has made it a little harder to love and trust.  Regardless, I've had to learn to give myself a little grace in this season.  I took this selfie after church - purple makes me happy and so do snuggly babies.  

Just for the record - he was worth it.

Monday, December 28, 2015

Mr. GQ

Maybe the cutest thing in the WHOLE world.
Seriously - the plaid, the overalls, the smile.


New is FUN.

New overalls have POCKETS!
{My phone is in my pocket!!}

The new word search book from her stocking at Grandma and Papa's has kept her happily busy.

A new motorcycle engine to build keeps the mind and hands busy!

New hooded towels are CUTE!

New clothes...
The sparkles on her shirt flip up and down.

A new popcorn machine - soooo fun!
 A new blanket and pillow for movie night makes the little girl feel like a big girl!

New bedding makes sleeping better!

A new TV spoils me!
As does the new humidifier moistening our air.

New shelves grow this humble home.
New makes us want to clean and spruce and organize!  What fun we are having!