Mike went back to work this week. Day two and we are still surviving, and maybe even thriving. ;)
Pictures are proof, right?
Day 1:
We spent a lot of time outdoors, got the good out of our clothesline, and loved on each other.
We haven't started back into finishing school before summer break but will jump back on that wagon next week.
I finished out my night very tired but fulfilled. We were blessed to have supper brought to us, and will have for another week+, thanks to my sister's organization.
The end of my day was spent like this...
Seriously, nothing sweeter...
DAY 2:
Woke up to nurse Ameliya and saw this in my bed. Apparently Daddy going back to work got to Xavier a little and he needed a middle of the night snuggle.
The big kids are excited to be helpers by choosing their own clothes and dressing themselves. They have also been making their beds every morning and being patient with mommy when breakfast comes late and our routine stays a bit inconsistent.
Baby Mia is quickly outgrowing her newborn clothes and moving into 0-3 month already.
It's sad but at least she has darling clothes to grow into!
Today before lunch we took a walk to the courthouse to vote. This was Ameliya's first walk. She snoozed through the whole thing in the ring sling!
So there ya have it. We're doing okay and I'm officially a stay at home mom of three. Though I've been home for almost 2 years now it's a bit different without other little ones here...for the first time in a LONG time I'm not earning an income, relying solely on my dear husband to provide for our family. I'm so very blessed that he values my role here at home and is supportive of our transitions to this new place in our lives. And I feel quite fortunate myself to be at this place in my life...raising up my growing pile of treasures...
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