Monday, April 21, 2014

Baby Bedtime Routine {and an Ameliya Weigh In}

Ameliya has fallen into a pretty solid and lovely bedtime routine.  On bath nights she gets a Tummy Tub dunk between 8:30-9:00, followed by a coconut oil massage and fresh jammies.  On non-bath nights she still gets a coconut oil massage before a fresh diaper and jammy time.  
{Tonight I weighed her, completely stripped of diaper and all, and she weighed in at 10.2 pounds!}
This gets her all relaxed and she nurses well and we pat out all the burps (of which she usually has many).  We wrap her in one of her beloved Aden + Anais blankies and Mommy or Daddy snuggle her until she's nice and drowsy.  
Then, it's off to dreamland she goes.  We lay her down, nice and drowsy with heavy eyelids, and she slips off to sleep (I won't lie and tell you she and Daddy never fall asleep in the chair together...). 

Tonight I introduced her to her lullaby CD that Lauren and Lance gave me at Christmas...we both love it already.  The first song is my very very favorite.  
{and I just discovered while googling the image for this blog post that there are 2 more volumes - score!}

Lauren bought me this CD when Natalee was born
and it's still beloved to us.  I finally downloaded it to my computer as the CD was physically wearing out from use.  The new one for baby Mia is sure to be as loved.

So, combine all those things and you get...

Good night, friends.  Sleep well. 

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