Saturday, April 26, 2014

Growing Too Quickly

Sniffle, sniffle...
Ameliya Darby is growing up much too quickly.

Her personality is starting to shine through.  We get real smiles daily and she's attentive to our voices and where we are.  She doesn't love floor time or her swing, though she tolerates the vibrating seat a bit better.  She's snuggly but likes to sleep hard in her bed, not being held.  Her brother and sister are more in love with her everyday.  So are her mommy and daddy.
She's beautiful when she's awake but she's near-to-perfection when she's sleeping (or so says this mama).

Today she is 4 weeks old.  Her official "one month" is just around the corner...

We don't remember life without you, sugar pie.  Love you bunches.

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