Sunday, April 20, 2014

Happy Easter Morning!

Happy Easter Morning!
Christ is risen indeed!  We love to love on our kids for any reason, especially to celebrate the resurrection of our Lord.

Mike and I were MOST excited to gift the children new Bibles.  We wanted Bibles with actual scripture but that still had some illustrations that made them appealing to the children.  Thanks to some Facebook recommendations from friends we ordered each of the older kids one.  Both ended up being ESV version, which is a version I don't have for myself, but Mike and I compared them to our NIV's and didn't see a ton of difference except for some vocabulary...and when is it ever bad to learn new vocabulary words, right? (insert the teacher mom moment!)

For Natalee:

For Xavier:

New jammies.  TMNT...
 and a fire truck.

She made a "mixed snack" from the food in her eggs and took it for a church snack.

Hand made family hand puppets created by the baby keeper.  These were fun to play with and I think they'll get a lot of use.

The kids had an easy breakfast of yogurt, fruit and granola while I got food ready for our family dinner.  Pre-planning made the morning go smoothly and we were ready and at church on time!  Praise Him!

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