Saturday, April 26, 2014


If you know me very well you know that every few months I like to big time move things around and "facelift" our living space.  I call it "growing a little house."
Today was the day!

With the close of daycare I sold my big dual sided cubbies and rearranged.  The kids' table left the dining room and went to the playroom.  The piano left my bedroom and came back to the dining room.  And the bedroom got a breath of fresh air with some cloth diaper organization and a little more room to move!

Bedroom Before:

Bedroom After:

Drawers 1 & 2:  Pocket Diapers; Drawer 3:  Fitteds & Gusseted Charcoal Bamboo Inserts

Drawer 1:  Microfiber Inserts; Drawer 2:  Gusseted & Regular Charcoal Bamboo Inserts; Drawer 3:  Waiting for treasure!

Basket on Top:  Bibs & Burp Cloths
{and we're still using Honest company disposables until she puts on a couple more pounds...then it's cloth goodness!}

Playroom Before:

Playroom After:
Dining Room Before:

Dining Room After:
 so much more floor space!!
 Mom's Nook...

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