Friday, April 18, 2014

Ameliya's Favorites

At three weeks old Ameliya is starting to show some preferences in life.

She loves her tummy tub still.  
She also loves to be naked as long as she's warm enough.

She prefers to be held or snuggled vertically instead of cradled.  She loves to sleep in her bed on her side the most.  If we put her on her back she'll roll to her side on her own.

She loves her Aden+Anais blankies...after 2 sleepless nights without swaddling her in one, I finally realized what the problem was - went back to swaddling her with the cotton blankets and we were back in the sleeping business.  If she can get a bit loose she's also started snuggling them...wrapping her hand up or holding on to one.  Another blankie baby (Xavier was one also!).
She's also a paci lover.  When I'm sure she's full we let her have it - not as a replacement for eating but something to suck on besides her fingers/thumb (because she will!).

Love our sweetie's fun to see her personality bloom through.

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