Wednesday, April 2, 2014

First Tummy Tub Bath at Home

Ameliya's first tummy tub bath at home was amazing.  She slept through it and it was so neat to see her curl up all womb like and completely relax.
 We are using Earth Mama Angel Baby foam soap for her when we use soap.  We use their lotion for her too, but I also like to keep her skin soft with unrefined organic coconut oil.
 Yes, she still has an umbilical cord stump.  We have never done alcohol/peroxide for the umbilical cord, choosing instead to keep it cleaned with soap and water.  Actually, all of our kids have lost their cords pretty quickly with this method and her's is starting to detach.
 look at that relaxed baby
We did this while the big kids were in bed, but I'm sure they'll be eager and ready to help someday soon!

1 comment:

Shonya said...

A baby sleeping through bath?! I've never heard of such a thing! That sounds amazing. (and she is too cute and cuddly for words! I have baby fever REEEEALLY bad! chuckle)