Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Ameliya Meets the Family

Daddy is used to having baby those first few minutes after delivery.  Since we switched things up and did extended skin to skin and nursing Daddy had to wait his turn.  He's soaking up his week of leave with lots of love and snuggles.

 A proud big sister!  She wanted to hold Ameliya right away!

Big brother wasn't sure what to think.  He didn't choose to hold Ameliya at first but later decided to.
Meeting Grandma Num
and Papa Curtis!

 Hello, Nannie!

Of course, Aunt Lauren was one of the first people Miss Ameliya met, but we didn't take a formal pic until later!

Meeting Grammy Sara and Aunt Kea
 Hi Papa George.

Great Grandma Betty came for a snuggle after quite hour/rest time at the hospital.  Great Aunt Boots came along, too!

Our last visitor of Day 1 was Uncle Duane.  He rushed over after work to get his snuggles in and then took Daddy out for supper!

A few more cutie pie Day 1 pics:
 darling decorations that my sisters made

Family of five and one tired mama!


Shonya said...

She is seriously gorgeous. I don't know how you are ever going to get anything done for looking at her! :)

Misti Picton said...

Living the sister decorating! Hospital celebration!!