Sunday, April 13, 2014

Pacis and Thumbs

This girl thinks she needs something in her mouth 24/7.  She must have spent 9 months in utero sucking her thumb.  She nurses great but I'm no pacifier {wink, wink} so we have introduced her to our old friend MAM - the same brand paci that the other two kiddos took.  When her paci isn't available she relies on her fingers, thumb, wrist, blankies, or anything else she can find!
Ameliya is a wonderful baby.  She sleeps nice long stretches, waking to eat every 3-4 hours.  She is mild mannered and relaxed and loves to be loved on.  She likes to stretch out - especially when she sleeps - she sleeps on her side always, and today she rolled from tummy to back 4-5 times...the first 2-3 at my folks' and then again at home when I tested her.  It's an effort but she *can* do it and is quite strong.  I can't believe we're in this phase already...rolling.  Can't she just stay tiny a bit longer?

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