Thursday, October 29, 2015

The Family Grows - A New Niece or Nephew for Us!

We are pleased as punch to announce that our family is continuing to grow!  My baby sister, Lauren, and her husband, Lance, are expecting their first child next May.  Our family is overjoyed!  
To think, our Baby #4, who has a cousin, Adelyn, 4 1/2 months older than him, is also going to get one six months younger than him!  We like life busy and jumping!

This year, I've gotten to be pregnant with two of my sisters.  God surely blesses me...
 I do have to say I look a might more put together at 3 months vs. the.end.

I sweetly invited my other sister, Andrea, to be part of our pregnancy parade but she declined, in not so many words.  Ha!  Her kids are in 6th and 8th grade and she's OUT of baby mode!

This sweet baby will make grandchild #7 for my parents...what a legacy!

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