Thursday, October 29, 2015

19 Months {Ameliya}

Sweet Mia is 19 months old today.  I thought today made 18 months so I'm all kinds of sad to realize she's closer to 2 than I actually thought!
She's saucy and sweet and sticking super duper close these last few days.  I suppose she senses the change? 
She's needed lots of hugs to get through each day.  I think she whispers to baby "stay in there - I'm the baby!" when she's getting her hugs!
She's a huge fan of the musical the big kids are doing in co-op and likes to sing the song Being Me.  Her voice is surprisingly sweet compared to the big personality she has!
Ameliya, we love you so much.  We have no doubt you'll be an amazing big sister, so don't be anxious.  We promise to not forget you tucked in the are one of our greatest treasures!

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