Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Preparing for Baby #4

I'm still here.  I'm still round.  This is the best I could do because I haven't remembered to have Mike take a picture for me and I'm too lazy to go upstairs and take one in the mirror {ha - truth}.
 Baby is good and active.  We checked out fine at yesterday's OB appointment. 
The bassinet is ready for downstairs sleeping so I don't have to walk upstairs for every nap in the first few weeks/months.  It's parked in the dining room, right in the hub of life.
I got out the car seat to check it this weekend.  Mia tried it out - I'm sure it was a safety check!
I'm still working on packing bags but finally did complete our birth plan and turn it in to our doc yesterday.  One step at a time, right?

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