Tuesday, October 6, 2015

School & and a Co-op Update!

I love the easy routine of our school year.  Have I mentioned that?  Maybe with only every update I write, huh?  We love love love the Sonlight program for History and our read alouds and are learning so much.  
The kids pour over the Time Traveler book that we're using to study Egyptians...
I also ordered the kids this Egyptian puzzle book in last week's Usborne order - it's a huge hit!  Six different puzzles with snippets of info about each one.  Natalee likes to read it, Xavier loves the puzzles.

Natalee especially begs to do Akebu to Zapotec each week.  She loves the journaling portion that I designed for them!

Xavier is excelling in his Math U See curriculum.  Natalee is doing okay, but I'm still toying with switching her over to Rod and Staff Math.  MUS has a more Common Core approach, and I really don't have a beef with that, except it's not quite clicking with her brain set-up.  She'd rather just memorize 9+8, than look at it as 9 that wants to be 10, making the 8 one less = 10+7 = 17.  Roundabout "gray" areas are not her style so much!

She still loves reading as much as ever and is enjoying marching through all of her readers and her Rod and Staff curriculum. 

Xavier will finish letter Ss this week.  He's very anxious to finish reviewing letters and sounds and start READING! 

Co-op is also going wonderfully.  We did have to cancel one week because sickness had hit so hard, but otherwise we've fallen into a nice routine.  
I'm finding I enjoy teaching P.E. for the little fellas very much.  We made scoops out of milk jugs and have had fun catching our foam balls with them.  The favored activity was probably last week's class when we played with Xavier's birthday parachute.
 Every single PE picture is blurry - such is the life of a PE class full of little people!
We were also blessed to be invited last week to a meal made by the high school Spanish 2 class.  Authentic Honduran cuisine - it was delicious!!
I have lesson plans written through the 23rd of this month and then I stopped, anticipating (hopefully) a baby and a break...time shall show!

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