Saturday, October 31, 2015

Halloween With Kids {2009-2014}

A nostalgic and cute little review of our babies dressed for fun...

2009 - Natalee as a ladybug

2010 - the only year I've gone "all out" OR bought costumes
Natalee as Curious George
Xavier as the man in the yellow hat

Natalee as a nurse
Xavier as a firefighter

2012 - one of my favorite years because they just looked SO sweet and the weather was so nice...
Natalee as a princess
Xavier as a cowboy {"towboy"} - look at his curls under his hat

2013 - 
Natalee as a rainbow ballerina
Xavier as a motorcycle man

Mia as a ladybug
Natalee as April O'Neill
Xavier as Mikey the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle

This year we'll have a Minnie Mouse, a firefighter duo (Xabe AND daddy), and an Indian with a broken toe being pulled in a wagon.  Pictures to come!

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