Sunday, July 27, 2014

This Boy...

As a middle child I'm determined to not lose Xavier in the shuffle.  Not that I was, really (my sisters were five years my senior and five years my junior) but I do see how easy it would be for one little boy to get set aside.  Big sister is reading and requiring more of my school time, little sister is a baby and well, she's a baby.  That leaves brother....

However, he does have going for him that he's the only boy in our family right now so he's daddy's right hand man.  We remodeled the bathroom this weekend and he ROCKED the crowbar!  He tore out one whole wall of tiling almost all by himself.

He also is kind of the apple of Ameliya's eye...strange at it sounds.  She loves his wild ways and crazy antics...
When it comes to school, he's chugging right along.  We are focusing on him being more conscientious and careful with the work he does in addition to learning number formation, counting carefully with 1-to-1 correspondance and letter sounds.  He's so excited to get his new school books in August!

So, my son, rest assured that we love every bit of your silly, wild, 100% boy antics even if you are currently the middle child.

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