Tuesday, July 1, 2014

T-Ball 2014 Complete

Natalee completed her 2nd season of t-ball last night with a huge disappointment.  The weather just could not cooperate so after the opposing team batted through once we had to call it and hustle home (not soon enough though - we got drenched!).  Natalee was very upset that she didn't get to bat and that the season ended this way but sometimes life is just that way.

We are thankful for wonderful coaches this year.  The children all got medals, which made them feel like quite the winners!

Natalee did get to end the season by playing 3rd base, which she enjoys very much!  She decided this would be a perfect night to try out her visor, what with all the cloud cover and such.  Ha, ha, ha!
 I dunno what's happening here ^^.  My guess is she's offering the base runner a glove full of dirt.  A glove which she has on the wrong hand....
We love you, Natalee.  You've come a long ways from the little girl hitting off the tee and playing constantly (versus occasionally) in the dirt.  Great season #33!

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