Monday, July 7, 2014

Over Rover

Miss Thing is perfecting her rolling skills!

Both times I got up to feed her in the night and this morning I was greeted by this face
That's right...on her tummy!  I wanted her to stay a baby a bit longer and she's determined not to.  Sniff, sniff.

Her morning play routine consisted of me laying her on her back with her play gym, her rolling over, and then screaming her head off because she didn't want to play on her tummy.  She can roll from her tummy to her back but with her new skill of back to tummy it seems she's forgotten how for the moment.  I got tired of the screaming game so I fixed that...
As luck would have it my new silicone baby chewy necklace came in the mail while she was up so she got to try it out.  It's hard to see in this picture but it's a rainbow design with round beads.  My back was soaked in drool when I got her down for nap so it must have been delicious!

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