Oh dear. I think I'm falling in love with babywearing. I know - my mom, my sisters...well, most of my readers in general are thinking "great, she just got weirder." It's okay - I didn't think I could get much weirder either. But here I am.
Honestly, I didn't think I would fall in love with babywearing. I love having my loves close to me but all my kids have been pretty content to sleep in their beds (close to me), they like floor time, etc. Allow me to let you in on a little secret about babywearing. It might just save your sanity.
Overall, Mia's a good baby. But when she's mad, she's mad. Tonight she was mad. She'd nursed, both Mike and I had tried rocking her, she'd been asleep twice and woke angry both times. Something wasn't sitting right. We'd tried all our usual tricks. Bummer dude. With nothing to loose except my sanity I decided I'd take her for a walk. She likes it outdoors. So I put her in my "nownewfavorite" back ruck carry with my Didymos Double Face Anthracite.
{begin scene}
Ameliya is screaming in a breath holding fashion. She gags and sputters on her own anger and spit. Mom tries to get her in back carry. Fails. Mom takes a deep breath to loosen nervousness that an inconsolable baby brings to the table and tries again. Gets Mia in a good seat fairly quickly for newbie back wearing mom. Mia stops. Mia stops crying before we ever get out the door. This is the second time Ameliya has been having an inconsolable crying episode and has stopped once she's up on my back. Hmmmm....
I slip on my Keens and head out the door. 50 yards from the house Ameliya lets out 4 big baby adult like burps. We'd tried burping her and bopping with her, etc. Not sure what it is about being up - perhaps that she was calm enough to actually get the burps out?
Ameliya and I then had a beautiful fifteen minute walk around the neighborhood. She didn't fall asleep (lots of fireworks in town tonight) but as I rounded the corner for home I heard several big yawns in a row coming over my shoulder. She would have gone out if I'd walked a few minutes more, I think, but I hadn't put a hat on her baldie head (it's chilly outside!).
Mia is much happier in the back carry because of all she can see. I could see and feel her turning her head from side to side to gander out at the big world around her. And now? Well, we came home, I dismounted baby girl, kissed her and tucked her into bed calm as they come.
{and end scene} Mom for the win.
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