Friday, July 25, 2014

Babywearing For the Win

In the babywearing community there is a phrase we use when babywearing saves the day.  

babywearing for the win

Today I felt that phrase over and over and over.  Mia is starting some hard core teething.  Poor thing just seems to get so mad and wants to bite and chew so hard.  Naps were even rough today and she's a great sleeper.  On top of teething she's also going through a growth spurt and seems to be hungry all.the.time.  Yowzers.  Overall she's still a delightful baby, but you can tell she feels a bit out of sorts.  We had several winning babywearing moments today...

The 1/2 FWCC that I blogged about earlier:
A front wrap cross carry with big brother (who declared she was heavy, even though he insisted that he get to try this):
 are they precious or what?
Not sure what her big scared eyes are for.  Ha.  They didn't make it together very long!  Too much baby for such a strong but small big brother!

A nap in the ring sling, after she fought it long and hard:

And a ruck sack back carry walk with Daddy to finish the night (be still my heart...he took all three kids and the dog):
Some little girl was super excited to be included and loved her vantage point up high on daddy's back!!

So today, it was a babywearing for the win kind of day.  When you have three little people you can't just sit and rock baby all day when she's fussy - you gotta have plan B.  I love that this works for us!

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