I am not a lover of being in front of the camera. Especially when I'm not what I call "church ready," meaning hair half decent, a spackling of make-up on, clothes not in the "stretchy" category. As I get a little older I'm realizing, though, that if I only take pictures on days when I look like that, my kids won't have very many recorded memories of me with them. So, gently, I'm learning to get in front of the camera a little more, instead of always hide behind it. Thank goodness for the selfie, right? (Can I get a woot-woot!?)
Last Thursday was the kids' last swim lessons...Natalee's glasses broke unexpectedly...
By the time Xavier's lesson was over she had a terrible head ache.
Seeing this was going to be a disaster of a day without them we headed to get them fixed directly after lessons. Thankfully Miss Precious saw fit to nap in her seat as I put her in to drive the 60 minutes from swim lessons to glasses fixer place...
Glasses fixer guy was able to fix them in an hour. And for the low price of $10. I was grateful as the eye doctor's office wasn't able to help us with them this time (they tried, just couldn't). Natalee was even more grateful than I was.
By the time the glasses were done it was 1:30 - well past lunch time. We dined fast food which is a pretty big occasion in our world...we don't do fast food often. The kids think this is a huge deal. Wa ha ha do I have them fooled...
{Did ya see that? Two "selfies" with my kids in one day. Must make Xavier hold still more often to record precious memories with his mommy.}
And because you are still reading...a bonus babywearing selfie. Hot. Sweaty. Angry teething baby (who likes to pull hair).
Got her up in the highest ruck I've done to date and she stayed there about 2 hours while I did supper, picked up and finished sewing fabric for her teething rings (thanks Waldorf inspired learning, for the idea).
It was awesome that she wasn't screaming, however I'm trying to learn a couple of new back carries as a ruck for that long left me kind of sore and tingly all over. She does weight 16+ pounds if I want to use that as an excuse....{wink}.
So, how's that for all kinds of rambling? I think the topic of this post was to quit hiding behind the camera and step out in front of it once in awhile. Yep, I'm sure that was it - that's my challenge to you... The rest of this post, well that was just gravy on your biscuit.
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