Thursday, July 10, 2014

Swim Lessons - Natalee

We signed the kids up for a week of private swim instruction this year.  They each get thirty minutes of teaching time a day for the week.  It's been interesting to watch them in the water.  I really appreciate their instructor, Miss Skylar, and she's worked well with both of the children.

Natalee is fairly brave in the water.  She LOVES to be in the water - hot, cold, matters not to her.  She is struggling to realize her body is buoyant and would rather walk then get her legs up and kick them.  They've worked hard on this skill this week, as well and not being afraid to get her face wet, etc.

 Look at that face ^^ Just minutes after she got in on day 1.  She was crazy excited!

 Down the slide on day 1! 

On Monday, Natalee had Skylar take her down the slide both times. 

Tuesday she decided to go alone the first time and I missed it!  She got flipped around and came out head first so I think she was a bit gun shy and had Skylar go with her the next time.
On Wednesday, Skylar went with her the first time and the 2nd time I encouraged her to go alone.  She did and squealed the whole way!  I have a lot of fun memories on this slide as a kid.  So nostalgic to see my kids enjoying it!

Updated 7.19.14:
We finished up swimming lessons this week with two morning sessions.  Tuesday morning was brutally cold.  Natalee doesn't have a great temperature sensor and she survived the whole 30 minute lesson and described the water as "a little chilly."  The heat things in the pool weren't even working - no other child that morning made it through their entire lesson while we were there...go Natalee.  Her lips were blue when she got out so even though she didn't feel it her body did!

Thursday's weather was much nicer.  Natalee surprised me by deciding to go off the diving board.  Miss Skylar put a puddle jumper on her and let her go.  She did it three times!

Overall I'm happy with Natalee's progress during her swim lessons.  Prior to lessons she was panicky in the water, even with a puddle jumper on.  She wouldn't get her hair or her face wet and, even though she wanted to be a daredevil, she didn't trust herself.  She had a BLAST with her lessons and is very excited about the things she learned.

She went down the slide solo and got turned around (again!).

We headed off a mini meltdown and convinced her to do it again and end on a super good note!

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