Friday, October 17, 2014

Weekly School Wrap

We've had a great week of school!  

Natalee is working on +9 in math and blending words in reading, adding sounds to the ends to make new words. 
I made her a basket of books she can read and she has spent a lot of time reading for pleasure this week.  It gives me goosebumps to just listen to her reading for fun.  She has great deduction skills, comes and finds me if she gets stumped, and enjoys trying new books.

In Bible we've finally followed the Israelites out of Egypt and Moses has died, leaving Joshua in charge.  The children are preparing for the take over of Canaan and the spies have just left Rahab's house.  We are also memorizing Ephesians 6:1.

The children are enjoying their co-op classes and are learning their colors, family members, and numbers in Elementary Spanish, as well as some greetings.  Musical class is going fantastic and the kids have started listening to the practice CD at bedtime each evening, as well as practicing during the day.  P.E. on Fridays is always a great time - the wind today did kind of beat us down just a bit!

We are loving the Community Helper unit in Social Studies and made a Venn diagram comparing/contrasting a police officer and fire fighter.  We are also compiling a list of A to Z community helpers, which they are enjoying way more than I anticipated!

In Science, the kids' bodies are getting close to done.  This week the kids got their livers and hearts...
 I taught them how to find their pulses and they've made sure we're all still alive this week. {grin}

Xavier is still practicing counting using 1 to 1 correspondence.  This week he learned about the letter Ii and can tell me that it says /i/.

Of course, both Natalee and Xavier also found some time to play.  I love creeping in and listening to their scenarios...

It's been a good, full week at the Joyful Jamboree Home Education Center.  We even caught Story Hour at the library and got to listen to one of the local electric company employees talk and see the basket truck.  We are ready for a quiet weekend of being home and enjoying time with Daddy!

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