Sunday, October 19, 2014

Baby Gone Wild

Ameliya has decided she can do and have most anything the big kids are doing or partaking in. 
Tonight they were eating crackers on the blanket in the living room.  Ameliya started creeping towards them ever so slowly until her little fingers were wrapped around the edge of Xavier's bowl...

Today at Mom and Dad's she laid down for her nap after lunch.  The playpen my mom owns has housed FIVE grandchildren with no trouble.  When we went to get Mia up after her nap we found this....
She had only gotten the sheet off but she's UNDER the mattress.  This girl...she might be trouble!

However, lest you misunderstand that she's 100% ornery, here are two sugar pics of her from today.
 That makes it 20% nice and 80% naughty, right?

Love you, silly busy girl!  Thanks for keeping me young as I edge towards 30!

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