Sunday, October 19, 2014

I See You

Dear Little Girl Who Is Growing Up Too Fast,

I see you.  
I see you when you are overwhelmed.  
I see your anxiety.  
I see your wild penchant for living on the edge, while at the same time staying in your shell.  

I see you going from little girl to young lady.  
I see that you are scared of growing up.  
I see that increased expectations make you uncomfortable and nervous.
I see you, but more importantly I love you.  
When you are nervous, overwhelmed, even tantruming - I love you.  
I love you when you rise above and when you fall back.  

When the world starts spinning always remember I'll be your steady rock.  
When it's all just too much, we'll take a break.  
We'll go to the park.  
We'll swing, we'll slide, we'll merry-go-round until we puke and then we'll walk to the lake and let the waves and sky make us calm again.  
We'll talk it out.
We'll pray together.
We'll find a way to brush off and try again.  
I see you, Little-Girl-Going-On-Young-Lady.  I see you and I love you just the way you are.


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