Friday, October 3, 2014

Digging In!

Ameliya is getting quite adept at getting her own toys.
She pulls things out, chews on them and plays with them, then sets them aside and dives back in for something new.

I also made her a board book basket since she's six months now (you know, so grown up and mature -ha). Still some slobbering on the books but she also enjoys her free reign over them. When I want the basket to be off limits I slip it under my chair there. It's also quite handy for me to be able to grab a book and my baby and read a quick story or two while we snuggle or nurse in my chair.

Gone are our days of her playing on a blanket.  She's everywhere now and can't stay still long enough to stay on a blanket!
It's fun to watch her dig in and make choices for herself!

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