Thursday, May 8, 2014

Water Beads {Sensory Fun}

A friend gave me two packets of those super great water beads (thanks, Erin!).  I finally remembered to soak them in water the other day and filled a tub with them.  Xavier actually sat quietly while Natalee did math and Natalee enjoyed dipping her fingers in them between problems.  

If you've never played in a bucket of these, I recommend it.  They *are* quite calming.  I think if I could have filled a bathtub of them, Xavier would have climbed in...he got as much of his body in that little tote as possible!
After Natalee was done with her work, I split the beads into two boxes so each could have one.  They played for a long time!  This morning I noticed some Lego men floating in the beads...always thinking of a new way to play, these two!

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