Thursday, May 29, 2014

Ameliya Darby {2 Months}

This big girl is TWO months old today.  She got TWO thumbs up from Dr. Wade at her post procedure check up - her mouth is healing beautifully and she is nursing like a dream.

Not only is her mouth beautiful but we think she's quite pretty, too...

Some Mia updates (will check her weight tomorrow - she was tired tonight from going to the appt and back):
  • she's discovered her tongue and thinks it's awesome
  • she's starting to "play" with toys
  • she's becoming more social towards others
  • she's started sleeping 9-10 hard hours no paci, no semi-waking, no eating...hard sleep.  I realize she might revert back during a growth spurt, etc but for now I'm just amazed
  • she's put herself in a noticeable routine during the day
  • is the hottest blooded baby ever...lots of naked time for her this summer
  • LOVES outdoors
I am currently off all three of the herbal supplements I was on to keep a good milk supply and haven't had to brew a cup of lactation tea in a week.  Freeing her tongue has really made all the difference in our nursing relationship and my ability to provide for her.  Speaking of her tongue...I mentioned above how awesome she thinks it is...
It's out all.the.time.  When it's not out her hands are in her mouth checking on it.  It's hilarious.  What it must feel like to finally have it "free."

Oh Miss Mia - we're just over the moon for you and having all sorts of crazy fun loving you!  Thanks for being ours.
Happy 2 months, Punkin' Pie.

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