Wednesday, May 21, 2014

I Won't Have to Teach Her a Thing...

If Ameliya keeps sitting in on Xavier's lessons like this I likely won't have to teach her a thing (wink, wink).
He brought his school bucket to me before breakfast to begin his day.  Now, he loves his schoolwork but he equally loves breakfast.  I just went with it.
His assignment today was fun...deciding where categories of food came from (garden, tree, or animal).  It was interesting to get his point of views and fun to help him make connections.  For example, he didn't know what cabbage was until I said "Grandma Num makes cole slaw out of it."
"Ew, gross," he proclaimed, "I don't like that but it grows in da garden."

{PS - Baby girl was dressed but then she had a big spit up and soaked her front.  She prefers undressed anyways.}

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