Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Ameliya's Lip/Tongue Tie Laser Procedure Photos

Dr. Wade sent me Ameliya's photos that they took the day of her lip/tongue tie revision.  Obviously she was angry.  Please know that while it's hard for mama to know she was upset, they only had her back in the room for about 8 minutes tops and it was, in my book, a completely necessary procedure.  There were three adults all for her, and they made her as comfortable as she could be, whilst being angry.

I have requested the pics from her consult as well, as I think he took photos of the rare side ties.  If they are able to send them I will update the post.

Ties before:
 ^ safety glasses ^

 tongue tie, before

 lip tie, before

The "during/after"

Ameliya is still a bit touchy about her mouth but tonight when Mike gets home and we do her stretches I'll see if I can get some more after pics.  It's healing SO nicely!!

I'm so grateful Dr. Wade identified and revised the tongue tie in addition to the lip tie.  While I was focused on the more visible lip tie I think it's the tongue revision that is making the most difference in her ability to nurse well and keep my supply.

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