Saturday, May 31, 2014

Harley Babe

Mike took the big kids to camp I-MO (our local church camp) this morning to do some cleaning before the camp season starts.
I'm sure they were TONS of help - I sent them armed with spray bottles of water and little brooms/dustpans.

Ameliya and I took the quiet opportunity to snuggle, take some pictures, play on the floor, try out her chair (only for a couple of minutes), and snuggle some more!
Her eyes are lightening up a bit and start to shine through blue in the camera.

We also tried her 'new to us' Harley Davidson diaper.  She makes a cute little biker baby, doesn't she?  If only it were Victory, she could be Papa Curtis's biker babe!  Maybe he'll let her anyways (wink, wink).

Look at those strong little legs pushing her knees completely off the floor:
Our little pork chop weighs in at an ounce over 13 pounds give or take a dirty diaper or a full tummy!

Hope you are enjoying your Saturday like we are!

Friday, May 30, 2014

Fluffy Friday

Our Fluffy Friday pics are from earlier in the week.

A ruffle hiney diaper from a WAHM:

And, big brother's favorite, the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles from JC Trade (sure, girls can wear turtles, too!):

Thursday, May 29, 2014

T-Ball Game #2

Natalee got good hits from the coach both times she batted at her second game.  She also got to play 3rd and fielded a ball that came her direction!

Mike's been doing a great job behind the camera capturing memories for me this season:

This set of her running is just precious...look at her face!

Of course, a couple pics of Natalee's biggest fan:
We love you, tiny baseball player.  We'll always be your biggest fans!

Ameliya Darby {2 Months}

This big girl is TWO months old today.  She got TWO thumbs up from Dr. Wade at her post procedure check up - her mouth is healing beautifully and she is nursing like a dream.

Not only is her mouth beautiful but we think she's quite pretty, too...

Some Mia updates (will check her weight tomorrow - she was tired tonight from going to the appt and back):
  • she's discovered her tongue and thinks it's awesome
  • she's starting to "play" with toys
  • she's becoming more social towards others
  • she's started sleeping 9-10 hard hours no paci, no semi-waking, no eating...hard sleep.  I realize she might revert back during a growth spurt, etc but for now I'm just amazed
  • she's put herself in a noticeable routine during the day
  • is the hottest blooded baby ever...lots of naked time for her this summer
  • LOVES outdoors
I am currently off all three of the herbal supplements I was on to keep a good milk supply and haven't had to brew a cup of lactation tea in a week.  Freeing her tongue has really made all the difference in our nursing relationship and my ability to provide for her.  Speaking of her tongue...I mentioned above how awesome she thinks it is...
It's out all.the.time.  When it's not out her hands are in her mouth checking on it.  It's hilarious.  What it must feel like to finally have it "free."

Oh Miss Mia - we're just over the moon for you and having all sorts of crazy fun loving you!  Thanks for being ours.
Happy 2 months, Punkin' Pie.

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Beat the Heat... naked...
The kids organized the dolly play when Mia was stretching out on the floor.  She didn't mind.

Monday, May 26, 2014

Natalee's Word Book

Natalee finally showed an interest in starting her word book tonight.  It hasn't been a must because our curriculum hasn't called for it just yet but she noticed it today and was excited to try it out so we worked a bit in it.  This is what I created instead of a word wall like you might see in a classroom.  Today we just added our family's names to it, but soon she'll be adding sight words.

Tack Zap {HABA}

I am constantly looking for new, quiet (ish) activities for Xavier to do while Natalee is working on school subjects.  The HABA Tack Zap has been a huge winner for him.  He has the fine motor ability to do it solo and loves following the patterns or making up new ones.
We will have to be careful when Ameliya is a bit older as the "nails" and pieces are tiny and chokable.

Ameliya - Just an Update {& Pictures}

Ameliya is changing so much so quickly!  She's becoming more content during her awake hours and she's alert and getting more playful.  Her personality is hot/cold - beautiful smiles one minute and scrunched up cries the next.
Her new habits include pinching my arm fat when I feed her and playing with her ears when she's sleeping and falling asleep.

Also, since we had the revision done on her tongue/lip ties she has taken back up with sucking her fingers and thumb.  I can hear her in her sleep in the middle of the night, slurping on her thumb.
 So naughty and so cute.

I had a chance to buy a handful of "new to us" cloth diapers that are girly and were made by a local WAHM.  They are darling and I love the fit on Mia.

And this's just a bonus.  I know sometimes when we are out and about or when other folks are here at the house Ameliya seems like a crab.  Sometimes she is.  She's still getting used to this great big world we live in.  It's natural for her to love mama and daddy best.  But know this - she is a joy.  She is our joy.  And we wouldn't trade her for all the rainbows in the sky.

Car Wash

Natalee wanted to play with the hose the other day...I just can't condone the wasting of good water, but I can condone...
...her washing my mommy van.  I don't know how clean it actually got but she had a great time and at least she wasn't *just* watering the grass!