Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Spread the Love

A few weekends back we had the chance to keep my cousin and dear friend's children while they were tending to a family emergency.  Their kids' ages snug in nicely with ours and we had a great time, though Mike and I agreed a couple of times that 5 kids ages 6 and under are a considerable amount of work blessing!  
We loved having them and we're glad we could be there for our friends.  

We got the children Saturday afternoon.  To help ease the transition we took them somewhere we knew they'd love - the farm!  Thanks to my folks for hosting and helping with the five little people! 
 We even did baths at my folks' and took them home all ready for bed!
We opted for a "camp-out" (we booted Mia to her crib) and decided to shut up the house and turn on the air since a storm was rolling through.  We had one little one come up to us in the night and camp closer - she was not a fan of storms and had had a long week!

The next day was Sunday.
Breakfast, church, picnic lunch, naps, and then a fun evening at my sister's graduation party!
 I think you *can* tell they are related...there are similarities about their looks and personalities!
Love you Trenton and Erin.  We're here for you anytime!

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