Sunday, September 20, 2015

34 Weeks {#4}

At 34 weeks...
  • I feel ginormous (no, I'm not fishing for a compliment - I really feel ginormous!).
  • The physical drain of growing a human is setting in.
  • Sleeping is - eh.  Waking to potty or to rub my back every couple of hours makes me never feel quite "rested."
  • I have no real swelling - I'm thankful! 
  • Baby is head down.
  • Baby is ACTIVE!  Flips, hiccups, and wiggles anytime I sit down!
  • I'm thankful - for a healthy pregnancy and this gift that I know so many dream of.
I took time today to paint my toes.  I hope they last because I won't be reaching them easily again any time soon!
I have consistent Braxton Hicks contractions if I'm on my feet walking for a long period of time.  Once I sit they stop so I'm not worried but it's a sign that the "end is near!"

This week I hope to pack baby's bag - a goal I had this weekend that I never completed!  I also need to work on my bag and get out the car seat....and, and, and!  

1 comment:

Shonya said...

Awwwww, so precious. One of those time periods that lasts forever when it's in process, but in hindsight goes so fast!