Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Picnic Baby

On Fridays after homeschool co-op we've fallen into the routine of fast sandwiches for lunch (we don't get home until almost 1), eaten on a "picnic" blanket in the living room while watching a short show.  It's an easy fall-back, always makes everyone happy, and gives mom a minute to breathe after a busy morning.

Today is only Tuesday - but I decided that I'd make simple sandwiches for lunch because no one ate a big breakfast and everyone was hungry by 11!  As custom, Ameliya came into the kitchen while I was at the counter and stood on her step stool.  She saw I was making sandwiches, made a loud sound, and ran to the living room.  When I turned around she had out the "picnic" blanket and was spreading it out!
What a smart independent initiative taker!  It would have crushed her for me to say "no, it's only Tuesday" and we did miss co-op last week...well, I don't need to justify it...we had a picnic, of course!
Great job, Ameliya!  Way to take charge!

1 comment:

Shonya said...

Of course you couldn't say no! What a good little helper!