Saturday, August 29, 2015

Modge Podge Week

Our week felt like a modge podge.  We got done what needed done, loved on each other, and survived the rest.  And so...the weekly wrap up this week is simply a modge podge of pictures with little captions...cuz sometimes that's how it rolls.

Cool mornings with the windows open made Xavier wrap up in his blanket in the mornings.  Mia loves this satin blanket.  It was nice to have the windows open and the "outside inside."  Today was sticky with the promise of warming temps - the air went back on tonight.

Xavier had an eye appointment.  His astigmatism got slightly worse in one eye.  He was quite a big boy, as expected.  It always cracks me up when people complement my 5 year old's cooperation - as though he'd be allowed to be less than cooperative for an eye exam.
He was proud to get to move up to the letters charts instead of the picture charts and I was relieved to see he finally (after 4 exams in the last three years) passed the color blindness test.

School happened.  It was good.  Average but good - routine and structured, which was what we needed!

They're pouring over a book about King Tut...
 Journaling in their Akebu to Zapotec books...
 Finding the country that we read about in the missionary book...
Reading further about volcanoes...

Mia somehow wiggled out of her PJs in the middle of the night...

And serenaded us with many songs this week...

Co-op day was successful...
 Paper mache in art!  Messy hands, clean hearts!
Last night we introduced Mia to chocolate chips.  Ha. Milestones.

Today was an outside day.  Mike mowed,  the kids played hard - the kind of play that makes the baths and showers so worth it.
Tomorrow is the Lord's Day.  Our family is ready to worship - to have the time set aside that is uninterrupted for praising and praying and learning.

1 comment:

Shonya said...

We start school this week. Gulp. I need a burst of energy!