Friday, August 7, 2015

Button Bucket

Yesterday Ameliya and I were coloring and she took my crayon.  When I insisted she not be "that kid" it escalated to having to put the crayons away and a time out.  I realized she believes herself to be a bit of a princess around here - as a friend pointed out the "first child" syndrome in the 3rd child because we took a break and there is such a gap between her and the other two.  She likes for Natalee and Xabe to give in to her and bend to her will and, if I don't intervene, they usually do.  
I decided I needed to be intentional about sitting down with her and practicing sharing.  Not that we don't need to insist upon it during the day also, but it's a skill she needs to fine tune.  Tonight I got two little containers I picked up at the Dollar Tree and my bucket of buttons.  I wanted her to NOT want my bucket or expect to get it and to want to share the buttons.  So we began.  
 She loved the buttons!
 She filled her bucket and then wanted to fill mine...instead I showed her how to dump hers out. 
Natalee asked to play which brought a little friction but we powered through.  
Then Natalee taught her how to shake her container - cuz sissy's are fun!!
Needing to explicitly teach these skills to a strong willed shorty is new to us all but we're getting little step at a time.

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