Sunday, May 29, 2016

Zayden's On the Move

Our little Sammy Man is on the move.  All of the sudden he was mobile and now I spend my days training him to not chew on cords, eat inedibles, and roam too far.  Ameliya was carrying raisins around the other day and dropping them on the floor - turns out Zayden is an efficient vacuum.  Sigh.  {wink}
Good thing he's cute as pie!  I mean look at that face...
Isn't he just yummy-licious?  (And then he bit my toe but gee that's all right.)

These videos were about 5 days ago when he was just starting to crawl.
This little chump is also getting louder and louder.  He's developing quite a personality!
Of course he says mama because mama rules!
He's not so brave and adventurous when it comes to trying table foods but he's getting there.  We're LOVING our fresh garden strawberries this year and eating about a pound a day between all the kids!
Just the last couple of days, Zayden Sam has started rocking on his hands and knees.  It won't be long before he really takes off - and then I'm sunk for sure.  
 He's also discovered the joy of hands - he's delighted that he has two and he's started waving. 
New stages are exhausting but oh so fun.  He's growing so quickly!

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