Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Blacksmith Field Trip

We had a local(!) field trip yesterday to an old Blacksmith shop just ten minutes away from us.  Local field trips are a big deal to me, not only because it's just so much easier, but because they teach the children about some of the rich history of our area.  The gentlemen leading the tour did a wonderful job - they fed the kids lots of information but were also wise to the fact that kids like to put their hands on things!
The men have worked hard to get the hit and miss engine operating.
 They let some of the big kids have turns cranking the wheels to get it going. 
Xavier and his friend, the birthday boy! (with a little brother photo bombing in the background)
 {curly headed friends}
Stinker!  Did I mention the field trip was at nap time time?

The forge. 
(Disclaimer: if any of my photo labels or captions are wrong don't laugh at me.  I tried to listen! LOL)

The stagecoach was a hit with everyone!  I want to find someone to pull it with horses and give rides! It is really neat.

90 minutes in...getting silly and so tired. 
This is when the guys were telling that they used to build wagons upstairs in the shop and ride them down ramps to get them out!  What fun!  Because of a previous fire we couldn't go upstairs in the building.
Tag a-long...
What a group!  This photo is missing at least 4 kids, 2 babies, 2 dads, and 4 moms!
Thanks to Steve and Jim for a great tour!

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